Bridging the Gap Report

We Are Undefeatable has launched the report from Big Talk, a public consultation which went live last year. Read more about their report "Bridging the gap: understanding how to support people with long term health conditions to become more physically active".

The report covers:

  • The motivators and barriers that people living with long term health conditions face being active
  • Why the NHS is only a starting point for people with health conditions to become more active
  • How the ‘empathy gap’ may be hindering support for people with health conditions
  • The pivotal role that health charities can and must play in supporting physical activity
  • What friends, families and professionals need to feel more confident encouraging physical activity
  • Why local leadership and coordination is a critical enabler
  • The views of professionals across a range of sectors

The report outlines the actions We Are Undefeatable is already taking in response to these insights. However, this is only the start; they plan to use these insights to engage partners in the mission both locally and nationally, as well as working closely to amplify one another’s work and finding more opportunities to support people with long term health conditions to start and stay active.

Open the report here (PDF).