BASRaT edited BJSM issue

July’s edition of British Journal of Sports Medicine is edited by BASRAT Chief Executive, Steve Aspinall and references ARMA

BJSM’s July issue is an invaluable read.  Edited by BASRaT Chief Executive, Steve Aspinall, Steve focusses on both treating the patient in front of you and the power of language: integrating research into effective clinical practice.

“In a year of great turmoil and hardship for the vast majority of society, it has also been a time for organisations, professional associations and healthcare bodies to come together, working to bring about positive change and give everybody, regardless of who or where they are, the right to rehabilitation. The Community Rehabilitation Alliance and the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance have made great progress in this area, providing a strong voice to guide the future of population health in the UK. Coming together collaboratively has also allowed these collectives to support the efforts for dealing with the current pandemic and the longer-term post viral rehabilitation needs.”
Steve Aspinall, excerpt from introduction.

This edition includes the following free articles:

  • WARM UP –  Treating the patient in from of you and the power of language
  • REVIEWS – Comparative effectiveness of physical exercise interventions for chronic non-specific neck pain

Access the BJSM edition here.