Primary Care
14-16 November 2019
Park Inn Hotel, York
An educational programme of lectures and workshops for GPs, trainees and other members of the practice team to help develop core skills in musculoskeletal care.
Primary Care Networks – Dr Raj Patel, Deputy National Medical Director of Primary Care for NHS England
Osteoarthritis, what’s new and what’s coming? Professor Philip Conaghan, Director of the Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine & Professor of Musculoskeletal Medicine at the University of Leeds
Temporal arteritis and PMR – Dr Sarah Mackie, Associate Clinical Professor in Vascular Rheumatology at the University of Leeds, and Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: Not rare, just rarely diagnosed– Dr Emma Reinhold, RCGP Clinical Champion for the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes
- Joint Injections – using models
- Core Skills
- Podiatry
- Osteoporosis
- Keele Pain Recorder App and Opioid Withdrawal
- Ultrasound
- Promoting improved services for IAPT for Long Term Conditions
- National Institute for Health Research
- Health Policy
- Paediatric Rheumatology
- Evidence based guidelines for managing MSK conditions
This is a friendly hands-on conference for GPs, trainees and other members of the practise team.
Discounts are available for trainees, registrars, nurses, physiotherapists and OTs.
Contact Helen Livesley:
Telephone: 01609 774794.
Visit the events page on the Society website for full programme and application form.