Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis course dates 2019

New dates from the British Medical Acupuncture Society.

03 July 2019 – BMAS House, Northwich (South Manchester)

10 Sept 2019 – NCVO, London N1 9RL

A one-day course on acupuncture as a treatment for osteoarthritis, focussing on the hip, knee and other large joints.  Includes lectures, demonstrations and practical sessions to refresh existing skills to improve your expertise in this field.

This course is for regulated health professionals who use acupuncture in their practice and would like to revise or improve their knowledge and skills in the management of patients with osteoarthritis.

Lecturer: Dr Mike Cummings

Price from £155

Foundation courses in western medical acupuncture are also available.

Book online via the website.
Tel: 01606 786782   Email:
BMAS House, 2/3 Winnington Court, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 1AQ