Health Policy Articles

Global burden of disease study“Health policy across the world has ignored diseases which affect the quality of lives and independence of people living with them and focused on those with high mortality such on cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Now with people living longer it is time for priority to be placed on dealing with this enormous burden from arthritis, back pain and other musculoskeletal conditions to prevent unnecessary pain and disability and enable people to keep independent.’’

Professor Anthony Woolf, Chair of the Bone and Joint Decade (BJD) International Co-ordinating Council, from the Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro The Global Burden of Disease study 2010, researched by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, is the first comprehensive study of the impact of all diseases and risk factors worldwide. The GBD data referring to the UK points to musculoskeletal conditions as being responsible for nearly one third of the entire national burden of disability.

Health Policy in the Media

Articles posted on external websites. Prioritising Musculoskeletal Disorders Click to read article

“By making musculoskeletal care a priority, the government and NHS can make significant savings in healthcare as well as for the economy. It is time to bring these conditions and the people who live with them to the forefront of health policy to enable better management and outcomes as well as much-needed financial savings.’’

In November 2012, Vicky Chamberlain of the Royal College of Nursing Rheumatology Forum published an article titled Prioritising musculoskeletal disorders makes economic sense, in which she advocates a coordinatation of musculoskeletal care to help the NHS make significant savings. The Real Challenges Facing the NHS

Musculoskeletal disorders are very broad and do not always fit neatly into our current, biomedically-dominated approach to delivering, and measuring outcomes in, healthcare. They are often complex, are associated with many co-morbidities and many of them tend to fluctuate.

Federico Moscogiuri and GP Dr Tom Margham, lead for primary care at Arthritis Research UK, co-author an article in GP Online which interprets the findings of the Global Burden of Disease report. Musculoskeltal disorders can be managed effectively in primary care Click to read gponline article

Early diagnosis, prompt referral and specialist intervention is essential for some inflammatory forms of arthritis, for example rheumatoid arthritis. But many people with MSDs, the vast majority of whom have osteoarthritis, can be managed effectively in primary care, if the care they receive includes a strong element of self-management and support to remain independent.

Dr Alan Nye and Federico Moscogiuri, our director, co-authored this article on shared-decision making, spending variation and consultant-led pathways. It was published in Is back, neck and muscle pain hurting the UK economy? Click to read BBC article

Almost 31 million days of work were lost in 2013 due to back, neck and muscle problems, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The Labour Force Survey found that musculoskeletal conditions accounted for more prolonged absences than any other ailment.

This research from the ONS highlights the enormous impact of MSK disorders on work, and by extension the UK economy. Read the accompanying article by the BBC Business reporter, Joe Miller.

The Health and Social Care Network

Click to read National Voices article

Every time you get people in health to talk about the big issues facing the sector, you can be sure that the issue of joined-up working and joined-up care will come up. And when you start talking about joined-up working, you’re not far from talking about networks.

Read this post by ARMA’s Federico Moscogiuri on the National Voices website.

Health Policy Presentations

See full-size image

“How do we get policy makers to take musculoskeletal health and conditions seriously?”

This chart is taken from a fascinating, illustrative document by Professor Anthony D Woolf, of the Bone and Joint Decade.


Building Healthcare Systems

Muir Gray’s powerpoint presentation suppied by Better Value Healthcare.



Recent Health Policy Posts

The following are a selection of ARMA members’ posts from the last few months of our arthritis news feed that have been categorised as relating to Health Policy.

Over to you Prime Minister 21/09/2024 - by Sue Brown, CEO ARMA After two days in Belfast launching the ARMA MSK Health Inequalities report in Northern Ireland, I found myself on the plane back to England drafting the ARMA response to the Darzi report. I don’t think there are any new revelations in the report. Yet I do think it is important,… ...
ARMA response to the Darzi report 12/09/2024 - 12/9/24 The Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) welcomes the publication of the Darzi report recognising the serious and widespread problems in the NHS. In particular we welcome the recognition of the need for an increased focus on community services and prevention. As Lord Darzi recognises in his report, Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are one of the… ...
Ensuring MSK is in the new ten year plan 20/07/2024 - by Sue Brown, CEO ARMA On the morning of 5 July 2024, ARMA members gathered on Zoom for initial reflections on the election result. The date had been set many months ago, and it wasn’t the ideal timing. Since then, we have had a little more time to see just what the new government would… ...
Will you join us? 24/06/2024 - by Sue Brown, CEO ARMA In the last few weeks we have had two new organisations join ARMA – welcome to Lupus UK and National Spine Network. As I write this, I have just received another inquiry about membership so that may soon be three new members. This is a good time for ARMA’s membership… ...
Parties commit to Better Bones 19/06/2024 - The Royal Osteoporosis Society would like to extend a huge thank you to all their colleagues across ARMA who have supported the Better Bones campaign for universal, quality Fracture Liaison Services (FLS). The ROS is pleased to share that the Conservative government has recently committed to expand the use of FLS to achieve 100% coverage… ...
Versus Arthritis UK General Election Manifesto 19/06/2024 - Please read, support and share the Versus Arthritis 2024 General Election Manifesto calling on the next UK Government to take arthritis seriously. For too long, arthritis has been dismissed and ignored, but with your help Versus Arthritis can start to change that. Arthritis impacts the lives of over 10 million people in the UK. It… ...
BCA’s Westminster Roundtable 19/06/2024 - The British Chiropractic Association held a roundtable at Westminster, London, in April 2024 as part of Chiropractic Awareness Week and the BCA’s “Celebration of Chiropractic”. The event marked a momentous occasion as it was the first time in 30 years the profession hosted a roundtable at the House of Lords, Westminster, London. The purpose of… ...
Act Now Report Parliamentary Launch Event 21/04/2024 - Last week ARMA held a Parliamentary launch for the Act Now report on MSK inequalities. We were delighted to be joined by so many members, contributors to the report and leaders in MSK. There was a palpable energy in the room and a sense of commitment across the breadth of MSK health to tackle inequalities… ...
See the rest of our ARMA members’ posts tagged with ‘health policy’.