NASS seeks partner to co-design integrated pilot

NASS invites expressions of interest to co-design and test an Integrated Pilot as part of the implementation of our Gold Standard Time to Diagnosis for axial SpA.

Do you want to be at the forefront of ending the delay to diagnosis in axial SpA?

In June 2021, the National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society (NASS) published a route map to achieve a Gold Standard Time to Diagnosis of one year through the Act on Axial SpA campaign. The route map proposes four key interventions for achieving this goal. Now, NASS is looking to partner with a regional team to test all four interventions concurrently in one health economy. NASS wants to use the learning and results from this pilot to demonstrate to others – particularly to Government Health Departments – what might be possible with full implementation of the Gold Standard approach.

Learn more and apply today here.