Call for evidence: PHE and NGC review treatment dependence, discontinuation and withdrawal

Public Health England has commissioned the National Guideline Centre (NGC) to produce an evidence review of the literature on dependence, short term discontinuation and longer term withdrawal symptom from prescribed medicines, and their prevention and treatment.

The NGC is inviting stakeholders to submit research data or reports on two key areas to inform the review:

A) Collations of patients’ experi ences of the harms caused by prescribed medicines and ability to access and engage in treatment specifically relating to dependence, short term discontinuation or longer term withdrawal symptoms from the following prescribed medicines: opioids for chronic pain (excluding end of life /palliative care/cancer pain), benzodiazepines, Z-drugs, gabapentin and pregabalin (excluding epilepsy treatment), and antidepressants. (In England only).

B) Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of current examples of health/social service delivery models that prevent or treat dependence and the short term discontinuation or longer term withdrawal symptoms (opioids for chronic pain (excluding end of life /palliative care/cancer pain), benzodiazepines, Z-drugs, gabapentin and pregabalin (excluding epilepsy treatment), and antidepressants). (In England, as well as health service delivery models in other countries that might inform provision in England).

See details below of the requested information and the formats that will be accepted.

We would like:

  • Information published between 2008 and 2018.
  • Unpublished information related to research carried out between 2008 and 2018, including any ongoing research.
  • Reports which summarise / collate patient experiences e.g. organisational reports or internal evaluations of projects or services (the views, experiences and opinions of individual professionals, researchers, commentators or patients will not be able to be included, however).


We are especially interested in the following outcomes for part b:

  • Reduction/cessation in prescribed drug use
  • Successful withdrawal
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Use of healthcare resources
  • Health related quality of life
  • Patient / staff satisfaction
  • Social outcomes e.g.  employment, relationships, parenting
  • Reduction in disability


Sending information

For published information, send only the details (to include author/s, title, date, journal or publication details, including volume and issue number, and page numbers). Do not send a pdf/Word document or paper copy.

For unpublished information, send:

  • a link to any relevant trials registered with the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, or with the US National Institutes of Health trials registry
  • paper or electronic copies of other relevant unpublished information.

Highlight any confidential sections (unpublished research or commercially sensitive information) in unpublished information.

Email these forms with any relevant information by midnight on Tuesday 23 October 2018.

The NGC looks forward to receiving information and thanks you in advance for your help.